To protect the public health of beach-goers, determination of E. coli concentrations in a timely manner is necessary. It is the key to beaches being “open” or “closed”. SMI utilizes a rapid 8 hour culture method to detect E. coli concentrations in beach water. This method has been approved by the USEPA Alternate Testing Procedure (ATP) protocol.
For beaches, E. coli levels should not exceed 88 cfu (colony forming units) per 100 mL in a one time sampling event or 47 cfu /100 mL average of 3 samples over 60 days. Recreational waters not designated as beaches should not have over 406 E. coli cfu /100 mL in a one time sampling event or 126 cfu /100 mL average of 3 samples taken in a 60 day period.
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